How to Spend Valentine’s Day as a Single Hopeless Romantic

Well, today’s the day. The day that people all over the place celebrate love with as much glitter and roses and clichéd words as they can possibly fit into one card.

That’s okay, I have nothing against it. But, as a single person I always wonder what I’m going to do for Valentine’s Day. I think I might have figured out a good plan, which I’m about to lay out for you in just a minute. But I think there’s something I need to address first, because I know the people who have known me since forever are scratching their heads in confusion.

Yeah, that’s right, I called myself a hopeless romantic. Laugh it up, go ahead, I know you want to.

You see, its my best kept secret. I put up a good front (I think), I abhor romantic comedies, act grossed out when my friends get lovey dovey around their significant others in front of me and in general I act like I am anti-romance most of the time.

But really, I’m a sucker for a good romance. No, I still despise romantic comedies, I think they are silly (let’s not even mention Nicolas Spark books/movies — I can’t stand them, no offense to Mr. Spark and his fans). But you sit me down in front of Beauty and the Beast? I’m a blubbering mess. I’m not sure what happens but I love stories like that.

Yeah, I know, it’s hopeless.

Anyway, here’s is how I’m spending my Valentine’s Day.

Listen to Good Music. For me, this is my latest obsession, The Civil Wars. I’m listening to them right now. I love their sound, also, I should have known that I would love them because on their “related artists” list on Spotify the first two are The Avett Brothers and Needtobreathe. It was meant to be.

Make Something Silly. In a moment of silliness I made myself a heart bracelet. I saw this cute little crocheted heart motif on Pinterest last night so today I made myself a bracelet with it (I know, again with the crochet, I’m not sure what’s going on either).

What I did was this; I made the motif (I used a skein of cotton embroidery thread and a F hook) and then I attached a crochet chain to one side, I chain stitched until it was long enough to reach around my wrist and then I chained about 4-6 extra chains and doubled back on them to create a loop for my button. I sewed a little button on the heart and voila! A cute, albeit silly, little bracelet.

Watch a Movie. Preferably one you’ve never seen before. Though I’m really tempted to watch Beauty and the Beast again. I’m really in the mood for that particular movie. However, if I do go with a new movie it will probably be Labyrinth. I’ve wanted to see this one for a while now. Last year I watched Serenity for the first time. ‘Twas awesome.

Read a Book. Now, obviously, some of us just don’t have the time to do everything on my list. Myself included. However, I figured I would plop this on in here to because I think it’s a good alternative to watching a movie. If I were to pick any book to read today it would be Beauty by Robin McKinley. She’s an awesome writer and I adore her rendition of the Beauty and the Beast story. (I need to get my own copy of this book).

Chocolate. If you’re allergic, or don’t like chocolate, find your favorite alternative. But really, get chocolate in any form possible. Yes, it seems like the obvious thing here, and perhaps this whole list is rather obvious. But it’s obvious for a reason. You’ll thank me.

So there you go, my plan for Valentine’s Day. I realize now that I have a major Beauty and the Beast theme going on here. I blame the latest episode of Once Upon a Time. I love that show and the newest episode “Skin Deep” is a play on Beauty and the Beast. I loved it.

Happy Valentine’s Day Y’all,

14 Replies to “How to Spend Valentine’s Day as a Single Hopeless Romantic”

  1. Oooooohhhh you so let the cat outta the bag with this one Alley!!! I knew it musta been in there somewhere!!! And come on now Alley you can’t think of 1 rom-com you like??? =) Kidding!!

    love ya!

  2. Love this post – I feel the same as you, especially with romantic comedies (ugh). Give me Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind or Before Sunrise any day!

    Oh, and Labyrinth is awesome.

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